Monday, January 02, 2006

About Me
- Name: Samuel
- Location: United States
My name is Samuel and I am a college student studying English Education with the goal of returning to rural Taiwan to work as a missionary English teacher. I work part time as a gymnastics coach, a job I enjoy way too much. I also work full time as a personal care assistant for two mentally handicapped men. I am active in the children's department at my church.
Previous Posts
- Ivy, one of the sweetest girls everPosted by Picasa
- AnnyPosted by Picasa
- Wednesday night class picturePosted by Picasa
- Andrew's flashcardsPosted by Picasa
- Stella and Elly fighting over a gift during the gi...
- Wednesday night Christmas party (the Wednesday aft...
- The two I hung out with most of TuesdayPosted by P...
- Me and Sky...a very cool and yet difficult student...
- Super duper handsomePosted by Picasa
- My students really love me..Posted by Picasa
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