Wednesday, April 13, 2005

About Me
- Name: Samuel
- Location: United States
My name is Samuel and I am a college student studying English Education with the goal of returning to rural Taiwan to work as a missionary English teacher. I work part time as a gymnastics coach, a job I enjoy way too much. I also work full time as a personal care assistant for two mentally handicapped men. I am active in the children's department at my church.
Previous Posts
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- Lisa, one of Rebekah's students. Her brother live...
- Listening to music!Posted by Hello
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- Shoiw Cu-eye (small cute) really liked Shawn's cam...
- Me, Shoiw Cu-eye (small cute) and Shawn. Posted b...
- Micheal. He has the best english of any of my stu...
- "I'M ANGRY!" This girl is a hoot. Posted by Hello
- Kelly's friend, me and Kelly. Kelly is a real swe...
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